Dag Erik's Retro Computers
The Retro Cave - my office/repair shop / YouTube studio
My setup gives me easy access to my West PC 800 (Apple II+), Amiga 500, Ultimate 64 elite (C64) and my AST Pentium Overdrive
My storage room
My living room exhibition.
MYCRO-1 - 1975
Manufactured and sold by Mycron of Oslo, Norway.
Built around the Intel 8080 CPU, it was one of the first commercial single-board computer after the Intel SDK-80.
The disk station weigh 26,5kg
This machine has a Z80a CPU!
More pictures
Have connected it to a PC with RS232. 9600baug 7bit. Works fine. Gives the Promtp: Mycrop v2.8 (Z). It only accepts the command xx, l and e.
Luxor Video Entertainment Computer - 1977
The Fairchild Channel F was licensed to Luxor for sale in Sweden and Norway?
CPU: Fairchild F8
Memory: 64 bytes RAM
2 KB video buffer
Display 104 × 60 pixels of 128 x 64 VRAM
The Channel F is able to use one plane of graphics and one of four background colors per line, with three plot colors to choose from (red, green, and blue) that turns white if the background is set to black, at a resolution of 128 × 64, with approximately 104 × 60 pixels visible on the TV screen
Picture and sound is good, but something is wrong since it looks like the graphics is doubled/repeating. As you can see on the picture there is 2 paddles on each side of the screen.
Apple II - europlus - 1978
48Kb RAM
MS Z-80 softcard to run CP/M and MS Basic
Language card
Serial port
Parallel/centronix card
Videx 80 column card
External numeric keypad.
PAL - considering to modify it to become NTSC - so that i get colours.
Kaga 12" Monochrome monitor
Commodore Vic 20 - 1981
Extremely yellowed but works fine.
Joysticks has new cable and pads (all except up which was fine).
Cassette player works.
16K Ram extension works.
Character ROM was faulty. Is replaced by working Character ROM
Has reversible s-video mod.
IBM 5150 - 1981
256 KB RAM Maxed out. Type 64-256KB Motherboard
384 KB RAM on ISA card MEMO576
ISA 8bit CGA - From 2024 from Aliexpress did not work. Tried all possible settings of switch 5 and 6
CGA clone with composite out (from West PC 1600).
F68B45P display controller chip. Probably a clone of the MC6845
Came with MDA for displaying non graphics. And MDA Monitor
XT-IDE SD card v2.0.0B3+ (2013-04-03)
360KB Floppy - greased with white lithium 5/3-2023
Resound 2 OPL3 - 8bit ISA
Replaced the DMA controller which was faulty.
Replaced the guts of the PSU with a PICO PSU and a 120W 12V driver. Replaced the PSU fan with modern silent fan.
Installed a red power LED from molex. And green activty LED from XT-IDE
More pictures
Commodore PET II - 8032 -1982
Norwegian Pet - Sold under the name PET II
8050 dual floppy disk
Replaced three faulty 2114 SRAM for video chips.
All keys working after a good clean. No silverpaint was necessary.
Machine works 100%
Replaced 230V filter on power socket.
8055 works fine after replacing SN74LS157N at UD3 and RAM 2114 at UC4 and UD4
The Vectrex - 1982
CPU Motorola MC68A09 @ 1.5 MHz
Memory 1 KB
Display 9-inch cathode-ray tube (CRT)
Graphics Vector-based
Sound AY-3-8912
The reset button cap was missing. I 3D printed a new one.
Joystick button is not working after cleaning it. All is ok.
Clean Sweep
Cosmic Chasm
ZX Spectrum - 1982
Z80A @ 3.5MHz - 48k
Resolution: 256×192
Powers on -but distorted display - Maybe faulty RAM
Power plug: Plus 9V on the outside
Had to replace a 100uF capacitor and a ZTX 651 transistor.
Socketed lower ram chips.
Cut of the ends of the keyboard membrane, and inserted into sockets. Works!
RF modulator is bypassed so that the video output is composite. (Composite mod)
Tested with Play ZX and the game 1942. Works fine
1 PRINT PEEK 23732 + PEEK 23733 * 256
you should see either 32767 (for a 16K Spectrum) or 65535 (for a 48K Spectrum). If you don’t, then you have a further memory problem. If the value is less than 32767 then the fault lies in the bottom 16K of RAM, otherwise it’s the top 32K.
IBM 5160 - 1983
64-256KB Motherboard with 256KB on MB
BIOS date: 11/08/82 (Mostek MK37050N and Toshiba TMM23256P)
384KB on RAM card
10MB HDD - works. No bad sectors. Have greased the axel for the head motor with white litium grease, but still it makes a lot of noise.
PC-DOS 3.3 - Norwegian
360 Floppy drive - full height - works fine.
MDA display adapter with printer port
Serial port card
Real Time Clock card. New battery. Works.
timer.com 1264 bytes. PC Timer 1.0.
autoexec.bat: timer.com /s
External 720KB 3,5" Floppy drive.
ZX Spectrum+ - 1984
Same as ZX Spectrum but with more 48KB RAM
Powers on and display welcome screen
Power plug: Plus 9V on the outside
With PSU
C64 - 1982 / Ultimate 64 elite - 2019
Case in plexiglas from Plexilaser.de
Motherboard is Ultimate 64 elite
LED strip for light effects
Commodore 64 breadbin - 1982 - for spare
Assy no: 250407 Rev.A
Location: Hanging on beam
Missing most chips. Has VIC 2
Hanging on wall in storage room
Commodore 64 breadbin - 1982
Working - Working - tested with harnes and cartridge
Assy no. 250425
Only SID and the 901226/Basic ROM is socketed.
Cleaned and removed paper-shield.
Location: Hanging on wall in Retro Cave.
Commodore 64 breadbin - 1982
Works, no Keyboard
Replaced bad RAM and LS74
Missing SID - Not anymore. Original SID (not a new replacement)
Cleaned and removed paper-shield.
Painted case
Testet with cartridge and harness - se picture.
Location: Hanging on wall in Retro Cave.
Works. Testet with 10+ games
Does not work. All mechanics look very good. New rubber band. Does not make sound. Find nothing at all. Cannot adjust azimuth. I belive the head is not working.
Works. Testet with 10+ games
SX64 sticker
Commodore SX-64 - 1983
Have replaced the PLA and SID chips, which was faulty.
Work 100%
Very good floppy drive, and display - Good colors.
No crack og any kind. Only a few scratches on the outside lit.
Retr0brighted the spacebar with 12% H2O2 at 50 degrees celsius for 3 hours.
One of the pins on the keyboard cable is broken. Have fixed it by inserting a nail. Work totally fine.
IBM 5160 - 1986
Type 5160-499
640KB RAM on Motherboard
BIOS: 05/09/86 - U18=62X0890, U19=68X4370
20MB HDD - Seagate ST225 - Works with a few bad sectors.
MS-DOS 6.22 with 4dos, utils and games.
360KB Floppy drive - half height - boots from floppy.
MDA display adapter
ISA 8bit CGA - From Aliexpress in 2024
Tested with Picomem 1.11 - PM_W_Oct5.uf2
IBM 5170 - 1984
512KB on MB + 128KB on ISA card (IBM 128KB Memory Expansion Option)
Mainboard: Type 1 - 6MHz
20MB HDD Type 2 - Full height.
MS-DOS 6.22
1,2MB Floppy drive - half height - have tested booting from floppy.
Original EGA display card.
Battery is replaced with non-rechargeable, battery pack of four AA batteries.
More info: http://www.minuszerodegrees.net/
Considered to replace fan with moderne with less noice, but have decided to keep it original.
Amstrad CPC464 - 1984
Cleaned and tested.
Modified with a external cable with mono jack connected directly to the tape head. This way you can load tape games from a computer or mobile phone.
I also have a CTM640 color monitor
Amstrad CPC6128 - 1984
With external PSU/RF modulator
Ekstra floppy drive. Cable missing. Not tested.
Cleaned and tested. Works great.
Have replaced the drive belt, cleaned head and cleaned/oiled the axle.
Replaced keyboard membrane with new from: Sintech.
Ca. 20 floppy discs.
Commodore Plus/4 - 1984
Has replace power input connector to a round 7pin DIN socket to use the same PSU as my C64.
Added thermal paste to TED chip.
Added silver paint to keys. Later i repainted with Bare Conductive electric paint
Testet with games and demos. Works fine.
Keys Retr0Bright'ed: 14.03.2021
Replaced missing ESC key, with a keycap from a Mitsumi KPQ-series keyboard.
Commodore Plus/4 - 1984
Has replace power input connector to a round 7pin DIN socket to use the same PSU as my C64.
The CPU: 8501R1 was dead - totally black screen - No signal message.
Bought this CPU replacement with RAM: Lotharek's Lair. It worked in two minutes. When warm the screen was garbled. I replaced the 6502 on the CPU replacement board. And now it works
Replaced the CPU socket on the MB. One pin broke loose and stayed in socket (PIN 1). So i cut of the PIN 1 of the replacement and all is fine. :-)
I have to remove the lid on the VIC chip. So i installed heatsinks instead. See picture.
Have not connected the 256KB ram on the CPU replacement board. Maybe some day i will.
Epyx Fast Load - 1984
Epyx Fast Load allows programs to load from the Commodore 1541 disk drive at 2500 bytes per second, approximately five times faster than the normal speed
IBM 5155 - 1984
640 KB RAM
XT-IDE with Compact Flash with 128MB at 4 partition.
Norwegian keyboard
1 Serial Port - no parallell port.
PC-DOS 3.3 - 4DOS 4.02
2 x 360KB 5 1/4 floppy drives
Runs 8088MPH in 1024 colors on original CGA card on NTSC Composite out.
Check out demo on YouTube
IBM 5155 - 1984
256 KB RAM
2 x 360KB - 5 1/4 floppy drives
CGA new type
English Keyboard
Parallell port and RS232 ports as COM2?
Tested - works.
West PC 800 - 1985
A Norwegian CPM (Z80A) 4MHz and Apple II (6502) 1MHz compatible machine. The Apple II Plus compatibility is supposed to by 100%, including BIOS.
64Kb RAM. ROM with Basic and Modem/Terminal software
Resolution: 40x48 in 15 colours. 140x192 in 8 colours and 280x192 in monochrome (according to ads). But it can also produce 280x192 in 6 colors.
RF, Composite, Keyboard, Joystick, IR, Modem, RS232
It came with an alarm/modem card, the battery and speaker is removed.
Only one of the floppy drives works.
More pictures.
The motherboard is configured for NTSC composite output.
The PAL and 80 columns card is not inserted, but are packed away inside the cabinet.
Have replaced the faulty jack plugs with new. Have also successfully used ADTPro 2.0.2 with an old Lenovo laptop. Did not get it to work with new Windows 10 machine.
Have installed a Pico based harddisk. A2Pico.
West PC 800 - 1985
In original box
My no. 2
Is configured for PAL composite/RF output (default)
West PC 800 - 1985
With two floppies.
Missing one key on keyboard, have made a 3D printed key. Looks ok.
Got this on finn.no summer of 2024
West PC 800 - 1985 - Prototype ?
One of a kin?
School edition with no alarm card and no frontpanel card.
Motherboard is the same as the other WPC's
Both floppy drives works, but the one to the left has a loose cable - to be replaced. The right drive is therefor D1 (drive A)
This machine has a adapter for the keyboard and joystick.
Is configured for PAL composite/RF output (default)
West PC 800 - 1985
Alarm card is not working - and therefor also the keyboard. The card in the machine is not the same as the one in the picture.
Have tested with a alarm-card that i know works. then all is ok. It's also tested with floppy drive. So we know that eveything except alarm-card is working.
Alarm card has all chips socketed. Am using the BIOS from another alarm-card. Whith this BIOS alarm turnes off after a few seconds.
Have removed to sockets which was corroded from battery leak.
Sometimes the alarm card work for a whiled, and then keyboard also works.. Cannot access Alarm BIOS.
Keyboard is working.
West PC 800 - 1985
Motherboard, PSU and front-card is working.
Tested with working alarm-card, then all works, except is does not boot from floppy.
I also have another front-card, believed not to work, and back-card - not tested.
Also have alarm-card which does not work. Mot chips are not in socket. It has very little corrosion.
Keyboard is working.
Atari style Joystick collection
What can i say. I love them all. Even the old Atari Joysticks.
Commodore C128 - 1985
Recaped the PSU
Recaped the machine and added new thermal paste
Keys Retr0Bright'ed: 15.03.2021
Commodore C128D - 1985
This new European model featured a plastic chassis with a carrying handle on the side, incorporated a 1571 disk drive into the main chassis, replaced the built-in keyboard with a detachable one, and added a cooling fan. The keyboard also featured two folding legs for changing the typing angle.
This model has the PSU in the front. And the cooling fan is fairly quite.
The minus (-) key on the numeric keyboard is not working. This is due to something with the keycap. When replacing the keycap it works.
Amstrad PC1640DD - 1986
Intel 8086, 8 MHz. 640KB RAM, 2 x 360KB Floppy
MS-DOS 3.2 and GEM
3 easy accessible ISA slots + 1 inside the machine.
RS232 and LPT1, Mouse port, Keyboard port and Joystick port in Keyboard.
Semi EGA . The PC-CD monitor only supports 320x200 and 640x200 in 16 colours.
According to the Technical reference manual the graphics chipset supports MDA, CGA, EGA, Plantronics, and Hercules.
Sound Blaster 1.5 with CMS chips (Game Blaster)
Can use Atari Joystick. Program fire button via nvr.exe. Works in e.x. Arkanoid 2
I have re-flowed the soldering on the DIN power input.
Fixed the +5VDC trace on motherboard.
Replaced four capacitors that was on the power inputs. (lover left corner of board). They are black - the old ones are blue.
To do:
Upgrade to Nec V30
Upgrade XT-IDE ROM version
Commodore 1541, 1541 Beige, 1570 and VC1451
They all work, and dont make much noise.
1570 is basically a 1571 with only one side. Works best on an C128.
The Beige 1541 has new Voltage regulators to reduce heat.
Commodore 64C - 1986
No faults
In cupboard in living room
Commodore 64C - 1986
Assy 250469 rev A
Has SIDKick Pico
Keyboard is from breadbin - because I like it.
Location: Hanging on wall in Retro Cave.
Atari ST 520STfm - 1985
Motorola 68000, 8MHz, 1MB RAM - upgraded from 512
TOS 1.04 - Swedish
Motherboard: CO70523-001 Rev.D
Gotek running FlashFloppy
320 × 200 (16 color), palette of 512 colors, 640 × 200 (4 color), palette of 512 colors and 640 × 400 (mono)
Sound: Mono Yamaha YM2149 3-voice squarewave plus 1-voice white noise mono
Fixed bad LS373B1 - reported bad RAM in the first 4 RAM Chips.
In cupboard in living room
Sanyo - 286-12Mhz - 1986(est.)
Intel 80286 - 12MHz - Zero wait state
81MB Conner CP30084E
I have replaced the PSU fan with an Fractal Design R3 80mm Silent
Added an CR2032 battery to the Dallas clock
Cleaned and greased the floppy drives.
Retr0Brighted in 12% H2O2 in 20 hours.
Only noise we can hear is from the hdd - and that is a nice sound. :-)
West PC 1600 - IBM Compatible machine from Norway. - 1987 (est.)
Intel 80286, 12MHz New Old Stock motherboard, because the old 8088 MB was faulty.
3C509X with XT-IDE ROM - AT
Running MS Client 3.0 network
Serial and parallel card with IDE. BIOS only supports Type 1 to Type 47.
360KB, 1.2MB and 1.44MB floppy drive.
This was my first IBM-PC compatible computer, back in 1986. My computer was an 8088, but I installed a card that upgraded it to 286.
Replaced the stock PSU fan with Fractal Design Silent R3 - much better.
Sound Blaster Vibra 16 - CT2260
USA 2 ISA Card
West XT/Turbo - upgraded to 386-40Mhz (not by me)
3C509B with XT-IDE BIOS (Came with LANtastic network card)
Boot from 16Bit IDE/Floppy card. The XTIDE BIOS on the 3C509B makes it see the CF card.
360KB and 1.44MB Floppy drives
Trident TVGA 9000B - Ultra(I)
Has a good deal of rust. Cleaned well with gun oil.
Replaced the 80mm PSU FAN with Fractal Design R3 80mm Silent.
Replaced LED for Turbo LED
MK8330 Sound Blaster MK8330 homepage
MS DOS 6.22 - Windows 3.11
Network not working.
In c:\drivers you can install: Win32S, WinG, WinDoom, MOD4WIN and Opera.
Ghost'n Goblins on PC.
EGA game and PC Speaker.
Demanded Joystick to go past "center joystick" screen. I had this game in 1987, but i could never play it because i lacked the joystick! Now, over 30 years later i can play it!
Finally playing Operation Wolf on PC
PC Joystick Competition Pro - Analog.
Commodore Amiga 500 - 1987
Amiga 500 on wikipedia
1MB RAM - 512Expansion with on/off switch. Has battery - works.
Gotek with external Oled display
Original box.
Toshiba T1200HB - 1987
Intel 80C86, 4.77 or 9.54 MHz switchable
8087 FPU (according to SI)
Storage: 20 MB hard drive , internal 3.5" floppy drive at 720 KB
Floppy drive works. HDD does not spin up. It has power. Probably the hdd motor is stuck. Will not be fixed since XTIDE is a better option.
Mass 4.1 kg (9.0 lb)
LCD screen makes a high pitch sound when brightness is set to max. Goes way when using external screen.
RTC is still working with original RTC battery.
Resources, New internal PSU. (not installed), 3inONEder for Toshiba portables
I have a 3inONEder with currently is in my T5200. If moved to this machine go to XT-IDE catalog on T5200 and run XTflash.bat with will program the XT-IDE option to work with this XT machine.
The 3inONEder is tried and tested in this machine. Works great. Plug and play. The CF card currently in the CF port is bootable on this machine.
Soft Switches
Does not have the original 12V 2.2A external PSU. But you can use anyone. Its needs exactly 12V or the red power light will blink to indicate en error.
1) Change CPU speed
Fn + PgUp 9.54MHz CPU speed
Fn + PgDn 4.77MHz CPU speed
2) Character font
Fn + Right arrow Toggles display font
3) Display select
Fn + End External display
Fn + Home LCD display
4) Pop-up windowFn + Sys Req Toggles pop-up window
Commodore 1541-II - 1988
1541 is a single-sided 170-kilobyte drive for 5¼" disks
IBM PS/2 Model 30-286 - 1988
Intel 80286 - 10MHz - 8/16bit ISA (NOT MCA)
Math coprocessor: 80287 rated for 10MHz
IBM DOS 4.00
Sound Blaster 16 - ct 4170
3,5" 1,44MB Floppy Drive.
PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse, VGA, LPT1 and RS232
Replaced the PSU due to faulty power switch.
Schneider EuroPC - 1988
EuroPC, 8088, 9,59MHz, 512MB RAM, 128MB CF
3,5" 720KB Floppy Drive
One 8bit ISA slot - empty now. But usually used for XT-IDE CF
CGA/Hercules - changeable in BIOS
Support Plantronics Colorplus.
320x200 with 16 colors and 640x200 with 4 colors
Paradise PVC4 video chip
PlanetX3 and a driver for SCI0 Sierra games are the only games known to support Plantronics Colorplus mode.
Here pictures with original Hercules MDA monitor.
Was damaged by leaking battery. See below for more details.
Has been tested to work with EGA and VGA card.
Successfully connected it to Gotek with FlashFloppy. Using an 26pins cable and an 26pin to 34 pin adapter.
Vogons blog and here for Connecting a Gotek.
It has Joystick port - Atari Plug. Have tried with Atari/C64 Joystick with no luck. Have tried with NVR.COM (for Amstrad) to program joystick. Cannot run. If you know anything about Joystick support please contact me.
hold CTRL-ALT-ESC for a long time to enter BIOS menu.
To do:
The RTC is counting seconds to slow. Have tried to replace crystal.
Schneider EuroPC II- 1989
EuroPC, 8088, 9,59MHz, 768MB RAM, 128MB CF
Upgraded with NEC v20
Gives ca. 13 % speed increase
Doubles the speed of the XT-IDE. From 244.8 K/Second to 477.3K/second (Checkit 3)
3,5" 720KB Floppy Drive
One 8bit ISA slot with XT-IDE - Running in 80186 Mode - for increased disk speed.
Har 768Kb of memory. Have tried to use it for DOS.
CGA/Hercules - changeable in BIOS
Support Plantronics Colorplus.
320x200 with 16 colors and 640x200 with 4 colors
Paradise PVC4 video chip
PlanetX3 and a driver for SCI0 Sierra games are the only games known to support Plantronics Colorplus mode.
Can use BUS mouse on mouse/Joystick port. the BUS pinout is the same as for Atari ST mouse. using Microsoft mouse driver mouse.sys version 6.14Z
Acorn Archimedes 410/I - 1989
RISC OS 3.11
385MB SCSI HDD - not in use.
Zidefs IDE m/DOM 480MB
Colourcard Gold
Faulty Floppydrive, but Gotek with Flashfloppy 1.1 works fine.
Installed new and silent fan. Since there is no HDD spinning and with the new fan, the machine is almost completely silent.
IBM PS/2-55sx. - 1989
Intel 80386 - 16MHz - MCA, 4 MB RAM
Installed 387 co processor
ESDI Original Harddriv. 76MB HDD. No errors.
Gotek with Flashfloppy. Had to make a cable.
3,5" 1,44MB Floppy Drive not working. The ALPS SC959A chip on the floppy PCB is cracked.
PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse, LPT1 and RS232
David's Sound Blaster MCA
Internal VGA . Propably not Hardware acclerated like the 8514 and the XGA.
Fixed Dallas chip to work with CR2032
PC-DOS 6.1
Macintosh Classic - 1990
With keyboard and mouse (not showing in picture)
40 MB Hard Drive.
2 MB RAM - Room for more - 2 SIMMs available. 2 x 1MB 30 pins SIMMs - 120 ns
Floppy drive tested and works.
Replaced batteri with CR2032
No sound from internal speaker. But Line Out works fine. Recapping did not help. Cleaning jack contact did not help.
Recapped 3. februar 2024
Recap quide for Motherboard. Macintosh Classic - Recap-a-Mac (recapamac.com.au)
Recap guide for PSU board. Macintosh Classic I + II Analog Board (220V - 240V version) - Recap-a-Mac (recapamac.com.au)
Recap-kit | Console 5
Last used: 3. februar 2024 by running Prince of Persia in demo mode for apx 2 hours.
IBM PS/1 2133-451 - 1990
Original 486SX-25Mhz. Now: Amd DX4-100, 12MB RAM
VESA Local Bus VLB Cirrus CL-GD5424 - 512KB
85 MB HDD - disconnected. Using 8 GB CF Card. Machine only supports 500MB. And the BIOS has no option to change hdd settings or enable LBA. So i tried different tools to be able to use bigger partitions. I ended up using EZ-Drive 9.03W. It was the only tool that could use all 8GB (4 partitions) and still be visible on a new Windows 10 computer - Only first partition is visible in Windows 10/11, but better than nothing. Western Digital - PHILSCOMPUTERLAB.COM
I Could have used a XT-IDE BIOS on the network card, but at the moment i was planning to install one.
MB is modded to take non-overdrive CPU's
MB is also modded to use 33MHz bus (instead of the default 25MHz)
Have installed 486SocketBlaster with an AMD 486 DX4 100Mhz
Tried setting the BUS to 40Mhz, but the PC did not boot.
Epitronics had a newer version of the ROM which disables cache when inserting newer CPU. I had an older version: 03/08/93. If you need a newer ROM you can use this: ROM.
Documentation: IBM PS/1 TYPE 2133A, 2155A, 2168A (TYPE 1) - The Retro Web
SuperScape Benchmark 1.0c: 49 FPS. Doom High quality: 29 FPS
SoundBlaster AWE32 - CT3780. Was badly destroyed. Fixed by Jostein.
MS DOS 6.22 and Windows 98 SE - This is a poor Win98 machine.
3com 3C509 network card with mTCP and MS Client Network 3.0
Macintosh IIsi - 1991
17MB RAM, 130MB hard drive, 68030 - 20Mhz
Keyboard and mouse.
PSU had leakage all over.
Used this site for help: IIsi Repaired By Reheating Solder Joints and Replacing Crystal | 68kMLA
Replaced these caps in the PSU:
2 x 2200uf 6.3V, 2 x 1200uf 16v, 2 x 220uf 16V, 33uf 25V SMD
Recapped the SMD with Tantalum on motherboard 04.12.2024. And ran Prince of Persia demo for one hour. Bought cap-kit from Console5
13" Apple color high-resolution monitor - M0401Z - faulty
See more here: Dag Erik's Retro Computers - Monitors
Toshiba T5200 - 1991
Intel 80386 - 20MHz - 200MB Conner HDD. Using 1.8GB Disc On Module (DOM)
640Kb Base, 5MB extended
13" Gas Plasma - 640x480 Red/Black
Windows 3.1
3,5" Floppy Drive 1,44MB (supports 720KB)
3inONEder with XT-IDE, Adlib and NE2000 Nic
Configures with AT320.BIN - for 286 instruction set. Internal DOM is boot drive.
One 8 bit ISA and one 16Bit slot available.
2 x RS232, LPT1
Have replaced CMSO batteri with coin battery with diode.
If CMOS battery fails.
Wait for beep. F1 to continue. F2 for setup.
F5 for default settings. and F10 and then "y" to save setup and reboot.
To reduce noise i have disconnected one fan and inserted a 200 Ohm resistor on the two other fans.
Have installed NE2000 packet driver and Winsocket. Surfing is working from Windows / IE, and Arachne Web Browser 1.99
Other upgrade options and how to: GitHub - SpitFire-666/Toshiba-T5200: Info, mods, pics, tips, capacitors, etc of the Toshiba T5200 portable computer
Util for allowing for disk up to 512MB. toshiba_t-series_support:toshiba_t5200 [steptail.com]
Commodore Amiga 600 - 1992
Motorola 68000 @ 7.14 MHz
ECS Graphics chipset
1MB internal + 1MB PCMCIA memory card + 512 in trapdoor. Total 2,5MB
Internal 170MB HDD - original
Kickstart 40.63 (3.1)
Workbench 39.29 (3.0)
Commodore Amiga 1200 - 1992
ACA 1233n accelerator with 68030 with MMU running at 40MHz , 128MB RAM
Installed ACA 1233n Library and ACATools 3.01
Upgraded to fast IDE june 2022
AGA Graphics chipset
Amiga OS 3.2 - with Kickstart 3.2 loaded to ACA1233n at boot.
8GB Compact Flash disc with loads of WHD games.
Recapped at RetroService
Installed PCMCIA driver.
Installed CF Card slot on the back
Olivetti Philos 33 (1993)
CPU: Intel 386SL - 20 Mhz, RAM: 4 MB (32 MB Max)
Graphics: 640 x 480 (monitor LCD 10” Back lit)
Input/output: PMCCIA, VGA (proprietary connector), parallel port, serial port, pop-up mouse, keyboard, bus extender
1,44 MB Floppy
40MB HDD (My machine has 80 trough DoubleSpace)
The built-in mouse with retractable trackball is located on the right side of the computer.
One can lift up the keyboard to access battery and HDD
The built-in microphone and speaker allow you to use it as a digital audio recorder. MPC business audio means it's easy to add vocal notes to documents, or send voice mail messages. I looks like a Wave audio device in Windows 3.1 - Maybe alle Windows apps/games can use it? I tried MOD4WIN but if could not find a playerback device.
Original manual in English.
Press fn+7 on the numkey. The 7 is marked with a swiss army knife symbol. To enter BIOS setup. Can be done at any time - even in Windows.
If BIOS battery is unable to save changes, you will be sendt to "Build-in setup" or Emergency sentup. You have to fill inn all sections so be able to save the setting. If not all values are filles inn, the Save option will not appear when pressing ESC.
I tried using the PCMCIA driver to access a CF card in the PCMCIA port, but I could not make it to work. Maybe the drivers that came with the PC are for CD-ROM?
Things to do:
Install CF CARD - built inn HDD does not always spin up.
2 x Iomega Zip 100 (1994)
Iomega Zip 100MB Paralell port version.
Excellent not only to copy over programs, but also as a "harddrive" for running games and program directly from it.
The driver PalmZip is a lightweight driver that works on 8088 and above. Hardly uses any memory. The Zip drive is then a station (e.x. C:). Updated Feb. 2018
Iomega Zip 100 - USB (1998)
Handy for copying things over from a modern Windows 10 machine.
Note: it works in Windows 10, but is super slow to write data to ZIP discs. Using DoxBox increases disc write with about 10 times. 84 MB in 7 minutes.
LTE Elite 4/50E (1994)
Intel i486DX2-50Mhz -490MB HDD (PIO 3), 12MB RAM
PCMCIA with ATA driver for CF-Card - with drivers. Plug & Play
System Commander 2.10 Boot menu
MS DOS 6.22
Windows 95
Active-matrix monochrome - 640×480
Western Digital WD90C30 - 1MB VRAM
Something wrong in the edges
Has VESA driver in c:\cpqdos\vesa24.exe
1.44MB Floppy not working
Upgrade possibilities: Compaq LTE Elite 4/50E - RevSpace
No sound, but has Serial and Parallell printer port for MPU232 or OPL2LPT / S2P
Compaq Presario CDS 524 (1994)
486 DX2-66Mhz Now AMD 5x86 DX4-133Mhz , 20 MB RAM (72-pin 70ns), 1.44 MB Floppy, CD-ROM (4x) (works)
Have installed a 486SocketBlaster with an Amd 486-100, which runs as a 5x86 133Mhz
ESS 6886 Sound (Sound Blaster Pro clone)
Internal VGA monitor. No external connector.
Cirrus Logic VLB CL-GD5424 512 KB Graphics
2 GB SD Card (PC has 8,4GB Limitation). But only 512MB is seen from DOS/FDISK.
SD card is accessible on the front.
Maybe installing XT-IDE BIOS on the NIC could give me larger disk?
Internal coin battery took no charge, so I replaced it with a CR2032
J11 Replacement Battery Connector, does not work - i measured.
I removed the Modem card from the machine.
If boots with garbled screen, try removing the MB drawer and insert again.
Disassembly instructions: Compaq CDS 524 Profile - Gekk
This video tells you what you need to know: How I saved another COMPAQ Presario CDS 520 from Oblivion! [CDS 520, Pt. 1] (youtube.com)
Wrong CD, but right Serial: Compaq Presario CDS 524 Restore CD : Lomod : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Compaq Presario CDS 524 Software Recovery Project (pukepals.com)
AST Premmia 4/66D (1994)
Windows 95 SP1
486 DX2-66, Blue socket, with print "Pentium Overdrive Ready"
Only supports 25 and 33Mhz BUS
256k cache module. It gets hot.
64 MB of ram, over two dims. Two available - max 128MB
ATI Mach 32 with fully populated memory slots. Shows 2 MB in the BIOS. Uses VLB?
DPT EISA SmartCache Plus, SCSI Host Bus Adapter. DPT PM2012b (V003.G ??)
Has cache add-on card installed
Made by Distributed Processing Technology - DPT
EISA SCSI Host Bus Adapter AST part number 230193-001.
Onboard Motorola 68000, which off course made me smile 😊.
Extra Memory card for the SCSI controller! New in box. Not installed.
Board type: MX401XA/4 also made by DPT
DTP 230196-001 Memory Expansion Board
I dont have to cables to connect it
Quantum SCSI, 1000 MB. Works fine, has Windows 95 and lots og apps/games installed.
ISA I/O card, printer, joystick and 2x9Pin RS232 - removed from machine.
Sound Blaster Pro 2 - CT1600 with CD-ROM interface
CD-ROM with Panasonic CD interface, also known as the MKE CD interface (for Matsushita Kotobuki Electronics), SLCD or simply Panasonic
Encarta 95 is installed ! Good setup for Show and tell
3COM 5x9 Network card.
MS CLient with doom.bat to use udpserver to play doom
Manual: MIKE (theretroweb.com)
Donated by Jan-Kristian (88charlie)
What's next:
Install SCSI Memory card - don't have cables.
Do some speedtests.
Done. Speedsys says 25.81 and Disktest says Write: 1050KB/Sec. Read: 1300KB/Sec. 8K and Sector random: 45 IOPS
This harddisk is very large, and very fast for the time
Maybe install a DX4 CPU?
Heatsink on chips on cache board?
If all this, then reduce noise from PSU with new FAN.
TCI Pentium 233MMX (1994?)
Motherboard: Shuttle HOT-579, Intel 430TX, ISA and PCI
Intel Pentium 233 MHz MMX - new Socket 7 fan from StarTech from 2021, fan controller.
IDE2Sata adapter - 2,5" HDD 500GB (only 120 MB partitioned) - no UDMA. Speed 10MB/Sec - Drive C
PCI IDE Sata controller with UDMA. with a 3,5" IDE HDD. 56MB/Sec - Drive D - (only 120 MB partitioned). Silent drive to be a mechanical drive.
Nvidia GeForce MX-200
Voodoo 2 with pass-trough cable.
Cirrus Logic CS4236 Sound Card
With MP32L from serdashop.
DOS 6.22 and Windows 98SE
Toshiba 2150CDS (1995)
486DX4 Mobile 75MHz, 8 MB RAM, 503MB HDD (original)
MS-DOS 6.22 and 4DOS 4.02
Windows 3.11
CD-ROM - Untested
PCMCIA slot. E.x. for use with CF Cards and transfere files.
ESS 688 - SB Pro compatible.
Real OPL3 - YMF262
Video: Chips&Tech 82c451 - 1MB
Display: VGA 640x480 256-color STN
Have removed battery due to leakage.
External Floppy on picture work for a few floppies, then it died on me.
Tried using UNATA driver on PCMCIA / CF card - did not work.
AST Advantage 6066d (1995)
Originally an 486 DX2-66 - now upgraded to Pentium Overdrive 83MHz - P24T
The CPU Fan of the Pentium Overdrive makes noise. Have replaced the original CPU fan with Noctua Nf-A4x10 Flx 40 mm. Soldered a 10K resistor between GND and fan failure signal.
Original fan is packed away inside the cabinet.
4 GB CF Card
VESA Local Bus VLB Cirrus Logic 5428 - 1MB
It's fast.
SoundBlaster 16, CT2950 with Phillips 48x CD-ROM
Low or no noise.
CD-ROM is connected to IDE on SB16.
Original front is packed away inside the cabinet.
1,44MB Floppy
Mainboard - Socket 3
Toshiba 400 CDT (1995)
Pentium 75MHz - 40MB RAM, 2GB SD-Card
Internal 3.5" Floppy - Not working
MSDOS 6.22 and 4DOS 7.50
RS232 / LPT1 / IrDA- PC-CARD / VGA / PS2 for keyboard or Mouse
Audio: ESS688 & Yamaha OPL3 (YMF262)
Sound Blaster Pro
Video: C&T CT65546 - 1MB RAM
640x480 Native resolution on TFT
High pitch sound when using internal display. - Goes away when pressing fn+f2 (power save)
Have replaced the original Norwegian keyboard with an English, due to some keys that did not work. But i kept the Norwegian keycaps.
Have put the CMOS battery in a plastic bag, in case of acid leak. - Does not hold charge.
WIC PC - Pentium 200MMX (1995)
Pentium 200MHz MMX, 64MB RAM, 8GB CF-Card
Sound Blaster AWE32
ATi Mach 64 - PCI - 2MB
Creative CD-ROM 36x
1.44MB 3.5" Floppy drive
2xUSB 1.1, LPT, 2x RS232, PS/2 mouse, Din Keyboard
Silent. Changed CPU fan, and added resistors to USB and PSU fan to reduce speed and noise.
Toshiba Tecra 500CDT (1996)
Pentium 120MHz - 48MB RAM - 2GB CF-Card
MSDOS 6.22 and 4DOS 7.50
CD-ROM / RS232 / LPT1 / PC-CARD / VGA / PS2 for keyboard or Mouse
External 3.5" Floppy drive. Not Working.
Internal CD-ROM is working at 07.august 2024
UNATA only works with no EMM386
Crystal Semiconductor CS4232 & Yamaha OPL3 (YMF262)
Sound Blaster Pro (3.02 ) and Windows Sound System
AIDA16 reports an SB16 with High DMA on 7. DukeNukem 3D accepts it as a SB16
Runs most demos
Video: Chips&Tech F65550
800x600 Native resolution on TFT
VESA 2.00
Running vexp13.com to run games in full screen
More about the machine her.
When running fan.exe off - there is no noice from the machine
SHARP PC-9030 - 1997
Pentium Mobile 120MHz - 160 MB EDO RAM - 2GB CF
MS-DOS 6.22 - 4DOS 5.52A and Windows 3.11
CD-ROM / RS232 / LPT1 / PS- Keyboard / SVGA (800x600) / Composite
ESS Technology ES688 AudioDrive
Single, mixed signal VLSI chip found in various products
16-bit 44.1KHz stereo recording and playback
5 channel mixer
ESPCM compression
The MPU-401 on these is "emulated" in software, you have to load a driver to use a WaveBlaster daughtercard
Sound Blaster, and Sound Blaster Pro compatible (3.01)
Interrupt, DMA and base address can be changes with esscfg.exe
Also AdLib and Windows Sound System (604h) compatible. Some apps sees an SB16, but this only works for FM sound. AIDA 2.12 sees a SB16 with high DMA 0 - but when testet is does not work.
Cirrus Logic 7543 Viking (1MB) Video adapter
Composite Out is set in BIOS to disable/PAL/NTSC. Tested and works
The "5" key can not be pressed. But it pressed it selves from time to time. - annoying. Have tried to clean the key without opening the machine. Fixed by remapping "5" to "nothing" by using Ansi.sys / nansi.sys (Freedos 1.2) and this in my autoexec.bat:
PROMPT $e[96;"5"p$e["5";0;79p$p$g
This remapps the "5" key to END, and the remapps " ' " to "5". So now when the 5 keys sticks it only sends an END og line command. This remapping only works in DOS.
Toshiba Tecra 740CDT (1997)
Pentium 166MHz MMX, 16MB RAM, 2.8GB HDD
Windows 95
Internal 1,44MB Floppy stopped working in august 2024
External CDROM - Not working
Video: C&T F65554 with 2MB - DirectX 3.0?
Display: 13,3" TFT @ 1024x768
Sound: CS4232, Yamaha OPL3 (YMF262)
Internal modem 28,8bps
Work in Windows with Toshiba drivers and without EMM386
Work in DOS without EMM386
Technical manual her.
Internal CMOS battery works - still original battery.
Toshiba Portégé 7010 CT (1998)
Pentium II - 300MHz, 160MB RAM,
IDE 2 SD Card with a 2GB SDCARD
NeoMagic NM2200 Magic Media 256 - 2,5MB RAM
OPL 3, SB Pro (3.01), WSS
Docking station with Floppy and DVD
Two of he keys are sticky - Cola? - Key "-" and "7"
IBM Thinkpad 390 - 1998 *A good DOS and Win98 PC*
Pentium II Mobile 233MHz, 160MB RAM, 3.2 GB HDD
Norton SI reports this machine at 584 x relative speed to IBM PC
Windows 98 SE
One USB 2.0 port - working from DOS with DOSUSB
3,5" Floppy / CD-ROM / PC-CARD (type 3) / PS2 Mouse / IrDA / USB / LPT1 / RS232 / VGA
PCMCIA. UNATA does not work when power.exe is running.
Neomagic NMA2 Audio controller - ISA 16bit
I believe that is has a OPL3-SAx (YMF719)
No need for drivers in DOS. A good DOS gaming machine.
AIDA report Sound Blaster Pro (DSP 3.01) 220H, IRQ 5 and DMA 1, NeoMagic NM2200, AdLib and Windows Sound System (530h). NSSI report MIDI port on 330h. Address, IRQ and DMA can be changed in BIOS
NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV (NM2200) - 2.5 MB VRAM
SVGA (800x600) in 24bit.
Has D-Link G650+. But sadly this card does not support WPA2 in Windows 98SE
Have changed the CMOS battery. CR1220 - under a lid at the bottom.
After upgrading BIOS.The SAVE2DSK.BIN hibernation file did no longer work. I fixed this by creating a partition that was slightly larger then i had RAM. In my case i reduced the size (Partition Magic 6.0) of my partition so that i had 175MB free. When i then started PHDISK /C /P it created a partition in the empty space and formated it. After this the RED warning at boot, was gone.
Considering a larger harddrive (CF, SD or IDE to MSata)
IBM Thinkpad 600e - 1998
Pentium II 400MHz, 228MB RAM, 8.0 GB HDD
Norton SI reports this machine at 985 x relative speed to IBM PC
Windows 98 SE
One USB port - working from DOS with DOSUSB. Pluss two USB ports with PCMCIA card
CD-ROM / PC-CARD (type 3) / PS2 Mouse / IrDA / LPT1 / RS232 / Modem/ VGA
Sound Blaster Pro Compatible in Windows 98 and DOS
Neomagic MagicMedia256AV - 2.5 MB VRAM
SVGA (1024x768) in 24bit.
Plays 320x200 games in full-screen - as mentioned this is a good DOS gaming machine
Considering a larger harddrive (CF, SD or IDE to MSata)
IBM Thinkpad I Series Type 2611 - 1999
Pentium MMX 300 MHz, 32MB RAM, 8GB CF - superfast
Norton SI report this machine at 1019 x relative to IBM PC
MS-DOS 6.22 - 4DOS 4.02 - no Windows because is used Compact Flash as Harddrive.
NeoMagic NM2160 MagicGraph 128XD - 2MB
320x200 scales to full screen
One USB port - working from DOS with DOSUSB
Yamaha OPL3-SAx - very good SB compatibility and real OPL3 chip
CD-ROM and 1.44MB Floppy
No fan noise
Very good DOS Gaming PC, full-screen gaming and full Adlib/SB Pro support.
Toshiba Tecra 8100 - 2001
Pentium III Mobile. 500 Mhz. 196MB RAM
English Keyboard. BIOS 2.4, Hibernation working.
Newly installed Windows 98SE from Tecra 8100 series recovery CD - all drivers working perfectly
Video: S3 Savage/MX graphics controller, 128-bit, 3D graphics accelerator - DirectX7
8MB SGRAM External Video Memory
128-bit BitBLT engine, 66MHz x2 AGP Bus
14,1" TFT at 1024x768 at 16 million colors
NTSC/PAL composite output
Audio - YMF744B-R (DS-1S)
Windows Sound System
Sound Blaster Pro compatible dos DOS games in Windows - not good
DOS Games is not important for a Pentium 3.
Try VxD / WDM drivers...
I tried with SBEMU from DOS - did not work.
Using Yamaha YMF744 driver for DOS works ok. Have to use IRQ 11 for SBPro - not all games support that IRQ. Doom and Doom2 works fine, even it fails setup.exe. Supaplex crashes PC when playing effects.
IR, COM1, LPT, USB, V.90/K56flex™ modem
DVD Player and DVD Software.
Trackball is faulty only moves up and down. External PS2 mouse works fine.
Portable floppy drives
The two drives to the left are not working. Propably the drive belt.
The bottom right is tested on Toshiba T2150CDS and works - but makes noise.
The top right is Fujitsu and is belivede to be working.
Have drivers to the Xircom - installed in both IBM Thinkpads
NSTL Combo card is installed on IBM TP 600E
Dell XPS - 1997 - 1998 (est.)
Pentium II - 350 MHz, 384 MB RAM, 128 GB SSD (8+120 partition)
Windows 98SE
Sound Blaster Audigy 2 zs - SB0350.
Because we are using this PCI card this is not a good machine for playing old games. The DOS compability is poor. And that is ok, this machine is buildt for Windows 9x gaming.
Voodoo3 -2000 - 16MB AGP - only graphics card.
3,5" 1.44MB Floppy
DVD and a a Sound Blaster Audigy breakout box/bay.
Have replaced the Case back fan with a new and silent fan. PSU fan is still hearable.
Links: MPXPlay (Audio Player dos DOS) and Audigy12 - Patch for Audigy 2 cards using DOS drivers of Audigy 1
Note: The Audigy 2 zs WDM drivers for windows made the machine run slow and the Win9x games was unstable, and sound was laggy. But the DOS support was ok. With the VXD drivers windows games was much better, no lag, and Windows performed better. But no SB support in DOS. Uses DOS Drivers for Audigy 1 with patch to get support in Real DOS. - Works ok, but not perfect. Remember for Tick the MT32 box in SBEmixer.exe for Roland compatibility . Vogons.org has more. I am using the 8 MB Wavetable.
Note 2: Sometime midi does not work in DOS. Then it helps to start Doom2 to initialise the sound card. Also in some games like Tyran2K digitized sound does not work. I guess that the Audigy is not 100% compatible with SB Pro/16.
Note 3: Maybe Unisound fix fix the above problem?
Note 4: Another way to install Audigy drivers for better DOS compatability.
Note 5: Maybe SBEMU -works better. Check out github for SBEMU
Shuttle - P4 2,5GHZ - 2003
Windows XP SP3
Pentium 4 - 2.4GHz
Asus NVidia GeForce 6200 - 128MB RAM - Drivers
56GB HDD - 2,5"
Realtek ALC650 5.1 channel audio controller
AC97 v2.2 compliant
VDMSound 2.1.0 Sound for SB/ADLIB/Roland Emulation in DOS
MT32 is ok in Monkey Island
C64 DTV2 - PAL - 2005
C64 Compatible
30 built-in games
Fixed broken wire
XCcube - Athlon X64 3800+ - 2007
Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit - SP2
AOpen EZ482
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+ 2.00 GHz
250GB - 2,5" SSD
Radeon HD 6670 - DirectX 11 - OpenGL 4.2 - 1GB
SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS (Because only digital sound is working with on-board sound "card".)
IBM Thinkpad X60s - 2007
Centrino Duo 1,66GHz - 1,5GB RAM - 40GB SSD
Windows XP SP3
WLAN (a/b/g) / LAN / IrDA / FireWire/ USB 2.0 / PC-CARD / SD Card Reader / 56Bbps / VGA
Video: Intel GMA 950 - 1024x768
Audio: AD1981HD
With Netgear USB2Wifi to get WPA2 support.
SDrive 1564 - 2013?
SD2IEC - SD Card for Vic 20, C64, C128 and C16
Works on most programs, games and demos. But new demos/games tend not to work.
Running version 0.10.3-M1284P-LARSP (date: 2012-02-26) not possible to upgrade - i think.
Works well with my Final Cartridge III
Does not work well with 128D because the 128D har built-in Floppy drive in ID 8
Is works fine with a special version of GEOS for C64.
MP32C64 - BT Tape adapter - 2014
Can be used with C64 or VIC-20, PET and C128
Workes very well with tapDancer for Android
tapDancer can convert and play PRG, T64, P00 for C64 and TAP to WAV
It also support ZX Spectrum files.
Can also be used with any TAP and WAV files.
Go to this site to load C64 games from the net.
Used BlueTooth or 3,5mJack cable to connect to source.
SD2IEC v 2.x
Two buttons: DiskSwap and Reset/Root
Firmware: sd2iec-1.0.0atentdead0-24-ga9a09f (Date: 2018-01-22 )
The C64 - 2019
Emulated C64 and Vic20
64 built in games
Joystick with Micro Switches
The VIC20 - 2021
Emulated C64 and Vic20
64 built in games
Joystick with Micro Switches
What i miss
I miss the sound of the older hard drives.
I miss the sound of a dot matrix printer
I miss the sound of dial up.
I miss the sound of the modem handshake.
I miss the Turbo button.
I miss the sound of a floppy disk read/write.
I miss the days of the BBS.
I miss the ANSI graphics loading at 2400 baud.
I miss the excitement of opening a new game in a big box, only to have a few floppy disks or a CD in the box.
I miss the full page advertisements in magazines selling complete 386 or 486 systems for $1500+.
I miss drooling over the specs of the systems in those advertisements.
These are what I miss :(
-- unknown