Unhanded Computers

MSI - MS6178 - Given to BGK

Commodore 64 breadbin - 1982 - Sold

VLB:  VGA card from Digital 

VLB: Promise DC-420 vl - 1993

Commodore 64C - 1986 - Sold

Sold with white 1541 floppy drive, two joysticks, some floppies, and a t-shirt.

Commodore 64 breadbin - 1984 - Sold

Atari ST 1040STf - 1986 - Sold

ABC 80 with cassette player - 1978 - Sold to a museum

Commodore Amiga 1200 - 1992

IBM Aptiva 2168-142 - 1994

Toshiba 440CDT - 1997

Commodore 64 breadbin - 1984 - Sold

AST 486/25 - Donated to BGK

Toshiba 2130CS (1995) - Barted

ZX Spectrum+ - 1984 - Barted

Olivetti M316 - 1991 - Barted

Faulty power supply. Using a Universal PSU for now. Consider to replace the inside electronics with a universal PSU - it fits. Universal PSU did not work either when trying at 25.07.2023

Commodore Vic 20 -1980 - Sold

Osborne 1 - Sold

KTM-3 - Tubeless Terminal - Donated to BGK

Not tested

Sharp MZ 700 - 1982 - Sold

ZX Spectrum 48K - 1982 - Sold

Commodore C64 - Sold

IBM 5160 no. 1 - 1983 - Barted

The challenge with both my 5160 was the harddrive. They did not spinn at all. After removing and cleaning and oiling (wd40) them i got them to spin by helping the wheel to turn. After that they worked fine. No bad blocks.

IBM 5160 no.2 - 1983 - Sold

IBM 5160 - 1983 - Sold

Commodore C16 - 1984 - Sold

286 - 10MHZ - Donated to BGK

Corona PPC-21 - 1984 - Sold

Tiki 100 - 1984 - Sold

Overhalt og renset. Alt virker. Z80 - 4MHz - 64KB RAM, 32KB VRAM, 8KB ROM TIKOS og CP/M 86 1 stk. 5 1/4" Floppy 2 bokser med Tiki disketter. Harddisk emulator som tar SD kort. Følger med SD kort med mye programmer og spill. Her er en video om Tiki 100 og harddisk emulering. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1ZQ6S5kyk4&t=10s Det er også mulig å bruke Gotek (floppy emulator) 

Commodore C128D - 1985 - Sold

Amstrad CPC664 - 1985 - Sold

Macintosh Plus - Sold

Copam PC 401 Turbo - Sold

C64G - Good memories.

Commodore C64G - Breadbin - 1987 - Sold

Commodore C64C - 1987 - Sold

Machintosh SE - 1987 - Sold

IBM Personal System 2 - Model 60 - 1987 - Sold

Schneider EuroPC - 1988 - Sold

To do:

Sanyo CD3198C - 14" - Sold

Datavarehuset CV 1024 LS 14" - Sold to LM

Amstrad PPC512 - 1988 - Sold

IBM PS/2-55sx. - 1989 - Sold

Macintosh SE/30 -1989 - Sold

Toshiba 3200SX - 1989 - Sold

Atari Mega 4 - 1990 (est) - for sale

Compaq SLT/286 - 1990 - Sold

DECpc LPx 433 - 1990 (est.)  - Sold

Cirrus Logic GD5420 - VGA - Sold with Dec PC

Macintosh IIvx - 1992 - Sold

Amiga 600 with 2MB ram, 2 MB SRAM(PCMCIA) Compact Flash Harddive with 4 GB WHD files. - mostly games

Commodore Amiga 600 - 1992 - Sold

Amstrad CPC464.  - Sold

With GT65 Monitor.  Sold August 20th 2018

Amstrad PC1512 with original monitor. 

  •  Sold August 2018 for NOK 1000,-

IBM PS/2-30/286 - 1988 - Machine no. 2 - Sold

Toshiba 430CDT - 1995 (est.) - Sold

Zenith Z-Star 900 - Pentium 133MMX  (1995) - Sold

TCI Pentium II - 1998 (est.) - Sold

Sun Ultra 10 Creators 3D Edition - 1998 - Sold

ThinkPad T22 - 2000 - Sold

XBOX - 2001

Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook S4572 - 2001 - Sold

AMD Athlon XP 1800+ - 2002 - Sold

C64 DTV2 - PAL - 2005 - Sold

Commodore 64 Mini - 2018 - Sold

Tiki 100

Tiki 100 - 1984

Harddisk emulator card for Tiki 100

USR Sportster 28.800 modem - 1994? - Sold