Dag Erik's Retro Computers

Visit my youtube channel, and check out my ads on finn.no 

The Retro Cave - my office/repair shop / YouTube studio

My setup gives me easy access to my West PC 800 (Apple II+), Amiga 500, Ultimate 64 elite (C64) and my AST Pentium Overdrive

My storage room

My living room exhibition.

MYCRO-1 - 1975

Luxor Video Entertainment Computer - 1977

Apple II - europlus - 1978

Commodore Vic 20 - 1981

IBM 5150 - 1981

Commodore PET II - 8032 -1982

The Vectrex - 1982

ZX Spectrum - 1982

IBM 5160 - 1983

ZX Spectrum+ - 1984

C64 - 1982 / Ultimate 64 elite - 2019

Commodore 64 breadbin - 1982 - for spare

Commodore 64 breadbin - 1982

Commodore 64 breadbin - 1982

Works. Testet with 10+ games

Does not work. All mechanics look very good. New rubber band. Does not make sound. Find nothing at all. Cannot adjust azimuth. I belive the head is not working.

Works. Testet with 10+ games

SX64 sticker

Commodore SX-64 - 1983

IBM 5160 - 1986

IBM 5170 - 1984

Amstrad CPC464 - 1984

Amstrad CPC6128 - 1984

Commodore Plus/4 - 1984

Commodore Plus/4 - 1984

Epyx Fast Load - 1984

IBM 5155 - 1984

IBM 5155 - 1984

West PC 800 - 1985

West PC 800 - 1985

West PC 800 - 1985

West PC 800 - 1985 - Prototype ?

West PC 800 - 1985 

West PC 800 - 1985 

Atari style Joystick collection

Commodore C128 - 1985

Commodore C128D - 1985

Amstrad PC1640DD - 1986

To do:

Commodore 1541, 1541 Beige,  1570 and VC1451

Commodore 64C - 1986

Commodore 64C - 1986

Atari ST 520STfm - 1985

Sanyo - 286-12Mhz - 1986(est.)

West PC 1600 - IBM Compatible machine from Norway. - 1987 (est.)

West XT/Turbo  - upgraded to 386-40Mhz (not by me)

Ghost'n Goblins on PC.

EGA game and PC Speaker.

Demanded Joystick to go past "center joystick" screen. I had this game in 1987, but i could never play it because i lacked the joystick! Now, over 30 years later i can play it!

Finally playing Operation Wolf on PC

PC Joystick Competition Pro - Analog.

Commodore Amiga 500 - 1987

Toshiba T1200HB - 1987

Commodore 1541-II - 1988

IBM PS/2 Model 30-286 - 1988

Amstrad PPC640 - 1988  (with external ISA bus)

Schneider EuroPC - 1988

To do:

Schneider EuroPC  II- 1989

Acorn Archimedes 410/I - 1989

IBM PS/2-55sx. - 1989

Macintosh Classic - 1990

IBM PS/1 2133-451 - 1990

Macintosh IIsi - 1991

Toshiba T5200 - 1991

Commodore Amiga 600 - 1992

Commodore Amiga 1200 - 1992

Olivetti Philos 33 (1993)

2 x Iomega Zip 100 (1994)

Iomega Zip 100 - USB (1998)

LTE Elite 4/50E  (1994)

Compaq Presario CDS 524 (1994)


AST Premmia 4/66D (1994)


What's next:

TCI Pentium 233MMX (1994?)

Toshiba 2150CDS  (1995)

AST Advantage 6066d (1995)

Toshiba 400 CDT (1995)

WIC PC - Pentium 200MMX  (1995)

Toshiba Tecra 500CDT (1996)

SHARP PC-9030 - 1997

This remapps the "5" key to END, and the remapps " ' " to "5". So now when the 5 keys sticks it only sends an END og line command. This remapping only works in DOS.

Toshiba Tecra 740CDT (1997)

Toshiba Porté7010 CT (1998)

IBM Thinkpad 390 - 1998 *A good DOS and Win98 PC*

IBM Thinkpad 600e - 1998

IBM Thinkpad I Series Type 2611 - 1999 

Toshiba Tecra 8100 - 2001

Portable floppy drives


Dell XPS - 1997 - 1998 (est.)

Shuttle - P4 2,5GHZ - 2003

C64 DTV2 - PAL - 2005

XCcube - Athlon X64 3800+ - 2007

IBM Thinkpad X60s - 2007

SDrive 1564 - 2013?

MP32C64 - BT Tape adapter - 2014

SD2IEC v 2.x

The C64 - 2019

The VIC20 - 2021

What i miss

I miss the sound of the older hard drives.

I miss the sound of a dot matrix printer

I miss the sound of dial up.

I miss the sound of the modem handshake.

I miss the Turbo button.

I miss the sound of a floppy disk read/write.

I miss the days of the BBS.

I miss the ANSI graphics loading at 2400 baud.

I miss the excitement of opening a new game in a big box, only to have a few floppy disks or a CD in the box.

I miss the full page advertisements in magazines selling complete 386 or 486 systems for $1500+.

I miss drooling over the specs of the systems in those advertisements.

These are what I miss :(

-- unknown